Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cake Season for Brides

We are well into cake season for our our 2010 brides. As we answer e-mails and telephone calls, there are many of the same questions popping up. So, we want to try to help make the process easier and definitely more fun, by giving some information so you can make informed decisions about your cake.

Keep in mind that the bar has been raised regarding wedding cakes. Your guests have seen all the TV shows and magazines, the designs are more "Wow" and the taste factor is expected to be special. Does that mean you have to spend a fortune to get a great cake, no, but you do need to be prepared with information.

Over the next number of weeks we will be giving the various steps to take to insure you have a fun experience making your selection and a wonderful cake the day of your wedding.

The information in the bridal magazines is not always enough, so we are going to round it out using our 38 years of experience in the wedding industry.

Some of the suggestions will not pertain to you, but much will, so take what you need and pass on the rest.

Any questions? We would love to hear from you.
We will be doing two posts a week during this series..so keep in touch.


  1. Hey La Starr,

    I just wanted to let you know how impressed we were with your cakes. We photographed a wedding that you serviced in Ojai, CA, and we were just blown away by the taste and design. Anyways, we just wanted to let you know that we're highly recommending your cake to our clients, and have a beautiful night shot of your cake from that evening on our blog.


    Timon and Liz

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I can't wait to see the night picture, your photography is always so amaxing. It is a pleasure working with you, and I hope to do so again soon. Have a wonderful wedding season!
